C-Plus-Plus Questions

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C-Plus-Plus Questions

1 / 15

1. What is the correct definition of an array?

2 / 15

2. Consider the following given program and choose the most appropriate output from the given options:

using namespace std;   
class Base {   
    { cout<<"Constructing Base n"; }   
    { cout<<"Destructing Base n"; }     
class Derived: public Base {   
    { cout<<"Constructing Derived n"; }   
    { cout<<"Destructing Derived n"; }   
int main(void)   
    Derived *d = new Derived();   
    Base *b = d;   
    delete b;   
    return 0;   

3 / 15

3. How many times hello is printed?

int main()
    int i=0;
	goto lbl;
return 0;


4 / 15

4. What will be the output of the following C++ code?

    using namespace std;
    int main()
        int a = 5;
        float b;
        cout << sizeof(++a + b);
        cout << a;
        return 0;

5 / 15

5. What is the use of is_same() function in C++?

6 / 15

6. What will be the output of the following C++ code?


        using namespace std;

        void square (int *x)


    	*x = (*x + 1) * (*x);


        int main ( )


    	int num = 10;


            cout << num; 

            return 0;


7 / 15

7. Which is more effective while calling the C++ functions?

8 / 15

8. Would destructor be called, if yes, then due to which vector?

using namespace std;
class a
public :
        cout << "destroy";
int main()
   vector  *v1  = new vector;
   vector  *v2  = new vector;
   return 0;