Excel Questions

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Excel Questions

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1. ____ appear at the bottom of the Excel window.

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2. Which option is used to quickly convert a range of cells to a table with its own style converted in MS Excel?

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3. An array is a systematic arrangement of similar objects, usually in rows and columns.

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4.  Steps for protecting a sheet by password in MS Excel?

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5. The intersection of a column and a row in a worksheet is called ____.

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6. Excel is a program that is used to prepare a

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7.  What is the keyboard shortcut to switch between open Excel windows?

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8. The total number of columns in a worksheet?

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9. The currently selected cell address is displayed in ____.

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10. Which function is used to compare a cell value to an array of cells and return a value that matches the location of the value in the array, and is used when there are more than two columns in the array

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11.  Which is not a Text function in MS Excel?

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12. What is the correct value of the function? =ROUND (1.9867,2)

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13. Which of the following is NOT a box in the PivotTable Fields List?

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14.  Excel is a ____ program developed by Microsoft.

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15. Which function is used to return the number of cells in a range that meet a condition set forth in the formula?

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