Adobe-Xd Questions


Adobe-Xd Questions

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1. What is the shortcut to Import Images in Adobe XD ?

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2. How to enable 3D transforms in Adobe XD ?

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3.  “CTR + SHIFT + C” is the shortcut of which command in Adobe XD ?

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4. In Adobe XD we can repeat objects in any direction with the help of which command ?

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5. What are component states in Adobe XD used for?

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6. How Adobe XD will help developers when you share prototypes with them ?

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7. Can we Animate and Slide Banners through Adobe XD ?

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8. What can auto-animate be used to create in Adobe XD?

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9. what characterizes the UX design process

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10. Which method for bringing Illustrator content into XD is not possible?

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11.  How Components helps us in Adobe XD ?

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12. You want to share your project to a blog or social media. How would you accomplish this?

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13. What is essential for a UX designer

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14. How can you link two screens to create animations between them?

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15. How Components helps us in Adobe XD ?

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