ui-ux-test 0 votes, 0 avg 91 123456789101112131415 UI-UX Questions 1 / 15 1. Which of the following are examples of UI? A. Key B. Button C. TV Remote D. TV Remote 2 / 15 2. Which of the following is not a benefit of User Experience Design? A. Display of unnecessary product features B. Expediting design and development through detailed and properly conceived guidelines C. Improving the usability of the system and therefore its acceptance by customers D. Avoiding unnecessary product features 3 / 15 3. What does HCI stand for? A. Human-Computer Interface B. Human-Centered Interaction C. Human-Computer Investment D. Human-Computer Interaction 4 / 15 4. how you can collaborate on images in figma? A. exporting static images B. share a link to the figma file C. depends upon file size D. none of these 5 / 15 5. Which is not a field or organization that has fed into UX? A. Product Management B. Human Factors C. Computer-Human Interaction (CHI) D. Usability 6 / 15 6. why we use ctrl+d A. copy B. paste C. duplicate D. delete 7 / 15 7. what is the short key of zoom in A. alt+ B. ctrl+ C. ctrl+alt D. shift 8 / 15 8. what characterizes secondary data A. information based on second-rate research B. information based solely on rumers C. information that has already been collected and recorded for another purpose and is thus readily accessible D. information that has been collected for the specific purpose at hand 9 / 15 9. What is probably not an acceptable typeface for body copy? A. Impact B. Helvetica C. Verdana D. Georgia 10 / 15 10. what characterize the UX design process A. sequential B. flow based C. interative D. none of these 11 / 15 11. what defines primary data A. usually collected through annual reports B. data collected for other purposes C. information that already exists D. collected for the specific purpose at hand 12 / 15 12. specifying the product defination, should answer A. why are we bhilding this? B. how is it going to work? C. what will it look like? D. all of the above 13 / 15 13. A design repeated as a unit in a pattern is called a ________. A. Field B. Pattern C. Motif D. Two 14 / 15 14. You want to show a user's path through your application. You create: A. A persona B. A wireframe C. A mind map D. A user flow 15 / 15 15. What is relationship between "usability" and UX? A. They are unrelated B. Usability is one factor that goes into good UX C. Usability is quantified UX D. UX can help improve usability Your score is The average score is 44% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz