Python – First Step

We will learn here how to write and run python programs. Before you start, you should have Python installed on your computer. Install Python and IDLE Python comes pre-installed with Ubuntu and Mac OS, but it does not come pre-installed with the Windows operating system. You need to download and install manually from the official…

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C File Handling

We have learned lots of things in c programming, accept user input, execute, and print results on the terminal(output) window. But results are not store permanently, to store data for future reference we are using file handling in c language. Now, instead of accepting input and printing results from the terminal, we will use a…

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Structure in C

A structure in c programming is a collection of one or more variables of different types. The structure in c tutorial will teach you how to declare a structure, an array of structure, pointer structure, nested structure and how to access an element of a structure. Structure: Key Points structure can store more than one…

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Function in C

The function in c language tutorial, we will teach you how to declare a function, define function and call function in c programming. Suppose you are creating an application, and you need to repeat some code regularly. Instead of writing, again and again, you can create a function and call it whenever required. What is…

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Pointer in C

The pointer in c language is a variable, which stores address of another variable. Whenever we declare a variable in c, it takes some space in memory and each memory has a unique address in hexadecimal numbers. Pointers : Key Points in C Normal variables stores value, and pointer variable stores address. The pointer in…

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Array in C Language

Suppose you have a task to store 100 numbers, then what you will do. You will declare 100 variables and 100 input statements to store values. Instead of this, there is another option, declare an Array of 100 sizes. An array is a collection of more than one elements under one variable name. In this…

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Break and Continue in C

Break and Continue statements are also known as loop control statement. In this c language tutorial, you will learn the use of break and continue to control loop with the help of example. Break in C Language. Suppose you have given the assignment to find a specific number among 1000 numbers. When you find that…

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For Loop in C

In this tutorial, we will learn about for and nested for loop in C. For loop is also known as a counter-controlled loop, it means it is used whenever we know the number of repetition. For loop has three parameter, initialisation, condition, and increment/decrement. Below syntax and several examples will explain in detail about for…

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