Do-While Loop in C

Do-while loop in C is similar to while loop, it is also known as a condition-controlled loop. In the do-while loop, statements executed first, after that, the condition is tested. It means the block of the code is executed at least once, even when the condition is false. Do while loop must be terminated with…

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While Loop in C

While loops are a condition-controlled loop, means they continue repeating the statements, until some condition is met. While loop, first checks the condition, if the condition is true then execute the statements. After statement execution, again it tests the condition, if true, repeat the statements. It repeats until the boolean expression is false, if the…

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Loops in C Language

Looping in any programming language is used to repeat a block of code for a given number of times or until a specific result is obtained. Loops are also known as iteration, because of it’s repeating nature. Suppose you have to print your name several times, instead of printing multiple lines, you can use loops…

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Switch Case In C

In this easy C language tutorial, we will learn everything about switch case statement in C programming, how to use and where to use a switch case. Some times, a variable can have more than one values, and each value needs to execute different statements. For example, month is a variable, and the month has…

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If Else Statement in C

The if else statement in c is used to execute statements based on the condition. The if else statement is also known as conditional statement in c. It helps the compiler to execute the instrunction, based on the given condition. It helps the computer in decision making. different forms of conditional statement. if if else…

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